Michal Rooney
4 min readNov 21, 2020


Day 13

Alright it’s time to switch gears I take all that I’ve learned and actually start creating something I might put in a portfolio.

I spent the last two weeks revving up to do this and I feel like I’m finally going to have something to show at the end of this weekend. Of course this is when all good technical problems show up right when you’re about to present something… so I’ve been experiencing some technical difficulties with my desktop sound, monitor and internet connection. That’s okay I can probably fix it all now that I have a second to do so. Any case I’m looking forward to getting an animation up next time. Right now I have what looks like a workable game but there are still some glaring errors and I was going to fix that before I post it video. So far I am fully done with the framework which personally speaking is an amazing progress. Did not think I was going to get here so quickly. I do still have some bugs to work through but they are minor and I do believe with little bit of time I should be able to get it done. Seems to be the major factor here with anybody that hasn’t been exposed to this this long it’s just there are learning pains to using Unity or a new language for that matter.

50 second ammo design I have the dumbies already working I felt it needed just a touch of art so I’m playing around with shapes and trying to get a good one.

I was slightly aware of what object-oriented programming was but I never had this direct of an interface with it. it’s actually been quite marvellous to be able to see in real time with some of the changes do. The major said sad point this week was when are tutorial leader got on to do his presentation and I realized that if I had seen that from day one I would have saved a teacher so many questions. I’m kind of think I’m getting some of this backwards I’m coming in getting the lecture from week to then I’m getting the lecture from week one and then I’m getting the lecture from week 0. At least I feel that that’s miles in my rearview mirror by now, all the explanations are making sense I just wish I had had them in a different order because now that we’re getting the new people finally got a chance to attend that Friday meeting. Oh that was the intro I was supposed to get, “Oops.” Oh, well at least this is taught me that I don’t really need it. The generalnow you won’t feel so lost kind of lesson the underlying information about the fundamentals is always going have an amazing application. It was a great lecture I just wish I’d had it another way round — In case, I think I learned from it so that was a the point.I just feel like I jumped into a program where the manual was missing and then it mysteriously showed up after 2 weeks. -The basic manual that is- I am going to be keeping myself away from the more in-depth the one that the course doesn’t fact include in the form of the C + survival guide. Anyway I implemented a lot of features recently and I’m going to go see how we put them together get them all working to serve as a scaffolding for the next phase. I got a new Ammobar, thrusters and a camera shake to merge into the next update so I’m going to get on it.

My 5 minute boss prototype which I’m trying to create a sprite for but not go nuts. I am trying to base it on a bird type so it will have a clawing phase where it scratches out at the player, wings deployed and maybe a beam attack.

Challenges :

The hardest part for me has been keeping myself away from the art side. See now that I realize we have to see you freedom I kind of want to jump off and make something really amazing. Even just add some custom features to my simple little game. Time constraints make that something I don’t want to be tackling before I can get all the logic systems in place. I really love the art side of it but I have to limit myself in time so that I can finish this and possibly move on to something which will be more salient to what I want to get out of the program. I really can’t wait to move on to stealth games and cinematography so I’m going to try and get this done.

